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Speech Language Pathologist

How to Trill or Roll Your R's

August 06, 2022

The trilled R is a very common phoneme in a variety of languages and probably one of the hardest sounds to produce and teach. In Spanish, trilled R is a high occurrence phoneme and a simple misarticulation can easily change the meaning of a word (Example: Carro vs. Caro / Car & Expensive). For that reason, I am here to help you! I am going to break down the steps that I take when teaching my students how to trill the R sound. 

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Working Effectively with Interpreters

April 29, 2021 1 Comment

I learned several tips and other information as I began to work with an interpreter for the first time. For the very first time, I knew exactly how it felt like to be a monolingual SLP. I took this opportunity as a learning experience and reflected on how I can improve my family communication skills, cultural awareness and humility while working with these families. Continue reading to learn about some of the key points I took away while working with interpreters. 

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Necessary Bilingual SLP Blurbs for Report Writing

November 09, 2020 13 Comments

A strategy that has been super helpful for me, and that has saved me lots of time, is to save all of my report writing blurbs. Over the years, I have collected and saved blurbs that I have written which I can easily copy and paste into a report and edit/revise as needed. These blurbs include bilingual assessment templates, language sample templates and blurbs that explain difference versus disorder. I am sharing with you some useful templates that bilingual SLPs often request from me.

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The Bilingual Continuum During Times of COVID-19

September 01, 2020

As the new school year starts, I cannot help but think about my bilingual students and how their language proficiency might have shifted over the summer vacation. You may be wondering, what do you mean shifted? Well, before I can explain how my students’ language proficiency might have shifted, we need to talk about the complexity of bilingualism and the bilingual continuum. 

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Diverse Books to Use in Speech Therapy

August 24, 2020 2 Comments

As speech therapists, we are often easily influenced by the popular speech therapy books that are often talked on social media or blogs. I am guilty of using popular books like “There was an old lady who swallowed a fly, if you give a mouse a cookie, etc. Don't get me wrong, these are great books that allow SLPs to target a variety of goals. However, you can also target a variety of goals with the following diverse and multi-cultural books as well. Here are my top picks for books to use in therapy as well as language goal areas that you can target with the books.  

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Osmo Review & How to Setup Your Osmo via Airplay on Zoom & Google Meet for Remote Learning

August 18, 2020 3 Comments

Word on the street is that Osmo is the latest must-have gadget for every SLP and teacher participating remote/distance learning. So, what’s all the hype about? Is the Osmo Little Genius Kit worth the bucks? Well, here is my honest review about the Osmo as well as a “How-to” setup guide for air playing the Osmo on the Zoom and Google Meet Platform.

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16 Essential Items that Every SLP Should Have

August 20, 2019

It’s back to school season and if you are starting a brand new job in the school setting, it can be pretty over-whelming trying to figure out exactly what speech therapy-related materials you will need. Here’s a rule of thumb and a tip that I always tell my CF-SLPs and grad student interns..

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What every SLPs should do during an evaluation if he/she doesn't speak the student’s language

August 04, 2019

It can be super challenging to evaluate a student that speaks a completely different language other than the one you speak. With so many languages that exist in our world, (over 6,500 languages to be exact) as a SLP, you are bound to encounter a student that speaks another language other than English. According to the American Speech Hearing Association (ASHA) only about 6.4% of SLPs speak another language other than English, this may also mean that finding a bilingual SLP that speaks the language you need to assess may not always be accessible. So what do you do? 

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My Journey to Becoming a Bilingual SLP

March 29, 2019 3 Comments

I’ve always had a strong passion for working with the bilingual population and making a difference in the Latino community since I can remember and picking a career to study was not an easy task.

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