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For SLPs

Diverse Books to Use in Speech Therapy

August 24, 2020 2 Comments

As speech therapists, we are often easily influenced by the popular speech therapy books that are often talked on social media or blogs. I am guilty of using popular books like “There was an old lady who swallowed a fly, if you give a mouse a cookie, etc. Don't get me wrong, these are great books that allow SLPs to target a variety of goals. However, you can also target a variety of goals with the following diverse and multi-cultural books as well. Here are my top picks for books to use in therapy as well as language goal areas that you can target with the books.  

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Osmo Review & How to Setup Your Osmo via Airplay on Zoom & Google Meet for Remote Learning

August 18, 2020 3 Comments

Word on the street is that Osmo is the latest must-have gadget for every SLP and teacher participating remote/distance learning. So, what’s all the hype about? Is the Osmo Little Genius Kit worth the bucks? Well, here is my honest review about the Osmo as well as a “How-to” setup guide for air playing the Osmo on the Zoom and Google Meet Platform.

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16 Essential Items that Every SLP Should Have

August 20, 2019

It’s back to school season and if you are starting a brand new job in the school setting, it can be pretty over-whelming trying to figure out exactly what speech therapy-related materials you will need. Here’s a rule of thumb and a tip that I always tell my CF-SLPs and grad student interns..

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Bringing Diversity & Cultural Pride into the Classroom

August 14, 2019

Due to the latest brutal and violent events that have occurred in our country towards Latino immigrants, I have decided to write a heart felt post to bring awareness and advocacy to the topic.

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What every SLPs should do during an evaluation if he/she doesn't speak the student’s language

August 04, 2019

It can be super challenging to evaluate a student that speaks a completely different language other than the one you speak. With so many languages that exist in our world, (over 6,500 languages to be exact) as a SLP, you are bound to encounter a student that speaks another language other than English. According to the American Speech Hearing Association (ASHA) only about 6.4% of SLPs speak another language other than English, this may also mean that finding a bilingual SLP that speaks the language you need to assess may not always be accessible. So what do you do? 

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5 Reasons Why I Became a SLP

August 02, 2019

I love my job and I love the reward it brings every day knowing that I was able to help someone. I frequently get asked by prospective students why I chose to become an SLP and here is what I often say. 

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    My Journey to Becoming a Bilingual SLP

    March 29, 2019 3 Comments

    I’ve always had a strong passion for working with the bilingual population and making a difference in the Latino community since I can remember and picking a career to study was not an easy task.

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    Working with Bilingual AAC Users

    February 05, 2019

    Working with a Bilingual AAC user for the first time could be a little overwhelming, especially if you are not quite sure where to start. Perhaps you have questions about language choice, modeling, or how to incorporate both languages with your student’s system. Do not panic, here are some helpful tips to remember when working with bilingual AAC users.

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