Check out our Bilingual Articulation Collection! More sounds coming soon!

Bilingual Core Vocabulary & MLU | Christmas Themed


This is a fun Christmas-themed activity that will allow you to target a variety of areas such as core vocabulary, inferencing, pronouns, adjectives, mean length of utterance, describing, commenting and more in Spanish & English!

 Read the prompt to your student and have he/she guess what's inside the present. Reveal what is inside the present by dragging the present. Have your student drag the toy item onto the sentence strip and then say the sentence strip. Reveal a hidden video by dragging the rectangle. Watch the video about the toy and create more language opportunities! Want to see a preview? Click here

 Core words targeted:

  • open (abre)
  • he/she (él/ella)
  • see (veo)
  • have (tiene)

Sentence strips included:

  • I + have / Tengo + un(a)
  • He/She+ has / Él/Ella + tiene
  • I +see / Veo + un(a)
  • Verb+article+adjective+noun /Verbo+articulo+sustantivo+adjetivo


  • Boom Cards MUST be accessed through the website Boom Learning
  • You will receive a link upon purchase or upon downloading this product.
  • Boom Cards™ cannot be printed. Boom Cards can be accessed via modern browser, Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires.
  • You will be prompted to open free or paid Boom Learning account to use decks and assign them to students (for security and privacy purposes).
  • In order to redeem your Boom Cards, you must sign up for a FREE Boom Learning account.
  • Free accounts include the ability to generate student progress reports for 5 students and to make up to five decks.


  • A computer, laptop, tablet, or Chromebook
  • An internet browser OR the FREE BOOM app in order to access from tablet or phone
  • A Boom Learning account (THIS IS FREE)

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